Help Needed!
its in the monster prototypes
edit the "Human Hero"
on some part in the end it will say what it wears.
edit it and hopefully it should work Big Grin
Follow the rules! Never marry trolls! Die well in EI! Live free in EI! Post, post, post!

Сообщения в этой теме
Help Needed! - от Lotar - 25.08.2003, 18:39
Help Needed! - от shackahn - 27.08.2003, 15:53
Help Needed! - от Lotar - 27.08.2003, 19:54
Help Needed! - от Lotar - 27.08.2003, 19:55
Help Needed! - от TheWarrior - 03.10.2003, 10:59
Help Needed! - от Mephisto - 03.10.2003, 16:23
Help Needed! - от Lotar - 05.10.2003, 15:31
Help Needed! - от Mephisto - 23.09.2003, 16:35

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