11.03.2004, 00:04
Вот что там есть...
" IDBuilder.exe <output path>
" Usage:
"(C) Nival Interactive, 1999
"Absorption Bludgeoning"
"Absorption Chemic"
"Absorption Crippled"
"Absorption Electric"
"Absorption General"
"Absorption Piercing"
"Absorption Slashing"
"Absorption Termal"
"Additional Absorption"
"Additional Bludgeoning"
"Additional Chemic"
"Additional Crippled"
"Additional Electric"
"Additional General"
"Additional Piercing"
"Additional Slashing"
"Additional Termal"
"Armor Material Type"
"Armor Type"
"Available In Shop 1"
"Available In Shop 2"
"Available In Shop 3"
"Available In Shop 4"
"Available In Shop 5"
"Building armors list:"
"Building loot items list:"
"Building materials list:"
"Building quest items list:"
"Building quick items list:"
"Building weapons list:"
"Can't open file "%s".
Wrong "
That "
"CMappedFile::Open( "%s" ).
Unable "
Mapping file "
Too large "
Unable to "
"Damage proportions Bludgeoning"
"Damage proportions Chemic"
"Damage proportions Electric"
"Damage proportions General"
"Damage proportions Piercing"
"Damage proportions Slashing"
"Damage proportions Termal"
"General Components"
"General Deconstructable"
"General Durability"
"General Mana"
"General Price"
"General Size"
"General Slots"
"General Weight"
"General Zones"
"Graphics Data Apply Wounds"
"Graphics Data Figure Names"
"Graphics Data Texture Type Index "
"Graphics Data Texture Type Index"
"Graphics Data Wear Order"
"Ini2Reg.exe "
"Instruction Armor"
"Instruction Quick Item"
"Instruction Weapon"
"Items database builder.
"Loot Material"
"Loot Scrap Material"
"Loot Type"
"Main Absorption"
"Main Bludgeoning"
"Main Chemic"
"Main Crippled"
"Main Electric"
"Main General"
"Main Piercing"
"Main Slashing"
"Main Termal"
"Material Code Name"
"Material Damage"
"Material Skill"
"Material Type"
"Quest Items ScriptID"
"Quest Items Zones"
"Quick Items Damage Type"
"Quick Items Damage"
"Quick Items Material Type"
"Quick Items Skill"
"Quick Items Spell"
"Quick Items Type"
"Saving database.
"Unknown armor name: "%s".
"Unknown weapon name: "%s".
"Weapon Actions"
"Weapon Damage Max"
"Weapon Damage Min"
"Weapon Material Type"
"Weapon Range"
"Weapon Type"
"Written by Yuri V. Blazhevich.