Evil-Islands/Cursed-Earth developer tools
Asaeis,Суббота, 24 Февраля 2018, 13:59 Написал:Hmm, sorry for the thread bump, but perhaps i should have originally just made a new post rather than editing my previous post, as forums don't tend to notify users from outside the thread when a post has been edited, only when a new post has been made.

As mentioned in the edited post above, sound files for dialogue are currently not playing in singleplayer after the changes i made, I assume it's because the game is not directed to the speech.res on the hard drive instead of the CD, is there a way where i can change the directory of where the game looks for the speech.res package so that it looks for the right one (the one with the changed folder format in the Evil-Islandsres directory)?

Additionally, cutscenes are not playing after making these changes as well, do I need to change the cutscene directory or its file formatting like the speech.res package too?

Hopefully we can get back on track with the thread subject after these issues are fixed Smile

Thanks again in advance for the help.

I belive it could be because of incorrect path settings. Go to regedit, check the path "ComputerHKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareNival InteractiveEvilIslandsPath Settings"
It should contain a series of Keys, that should point to your game folder and res folder. See screenshot below. "Проклятые Земли" is "Evil Islands".
P.S. You have learned you first two russian words Big Grin

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Evil-Islands/Cursed-Earth developer tools - от MorgenS - 24.02.2018, 15:32

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