Asaeis,Суббота, 24 Февраля 2018, 22:15 Написал:Hi Morgen,
Yeah, my registry paths are pretty much identical to that, but I think somewhere there's something that's telling the game to keep looking for the CD directory for speech.res :/
But I'm not sure why the cutscenes aren't working either, perhaps I need to change some of the names of the CGI cutscenes in order for the Russian game.exe to know how to find them?
Thanks in advance for the help.
Have you copied speech.res from CD2 to your game folder/res?
Regarding CGI cutscenes, I believe I had such issue too some time ago. First check that there are all available Movies in your game folder/Movies. I also believe there was something wrong with binkw32.dll since all EI movies are in very old bink format.
But there is another even more likely solution. If you have anti-aliasing turned on in starter (Addon) settings, movies won't play. If you still can't access starter settings, go to registry as in screenshot attached and set Antialiasing key to 0.
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