Evil-Islands/Cursed-Earth developer tools
Цитата:Well, english version is still a mystery for many EI players here in Russia. Demoth may be your best help in making it work right

Maybe I should contact Demoth via private message, thank you for the advice Smile


So, in between trying to fix the problem with speech audio (character dialogue) not playing in singleplayer, I've started experimenting with some of the development tools such as MapEd, EIDBEditor, MQToolkit1.1, MMP <> .dds converter, Matilda's EiFig plugin for Blender, Demoth's HeightToMPR Generator and maybe some others, while receiving alot of technical help from Matilda.

Firstly, I've been attempting to add some new quests to the multiplayer game, using MapEd, MQToolkit, and also using EIDBEditor to refine the very unpolished, (and I think very unfinished) base multiplayer game using singleplayer as a reference, as well as adding new monster unit/race class prototypes (with new skins) to the multiplayer database (not that I'm totally sure that I've set them up correctly).

Though after changing/re-arranging some unit positions (and adding some new ones to the map), selecting the quest in game then heading out to the map results in the game crashing shortly after arriving in the game zone (about 5 seconds after reaching the map) with the following errors:

Evil Islands
Error during parsing update prevID=42 curID=42


Evil Islands
No valid spell prototype


So as for the first one I guess i've done something wrong, but as for the second error, I'm not sure what is going on there (as I haven't added any new spell prototypes to the database).

And here are the properties of the new unit from within MapEd


[Изображение: eQfmt3u.jpg]

I don't know if this would provide any insight into the issue (by the way, the new Orc Warrior prototype does not cast any spell, so I'm not quite sure why this new test quest would be causing this problem).

If it's necessary, I could also provide the database in it's current state incase something in it is causing a problem.

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Evil-Islands/Cursed-Earth developer tools - от Asaeis - 05.03.2018, 04:32

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