18.06.2023, 17:44
(04.06.2023, 12:56)Atom Написал: 1. I am very glad that my help was useful to you.
2. You need to make a tsr <-> png converter, it is quite possible. But it is necessary to disassemble the beginning of the file - as I said, most likely there is a table indicating the sizes and offsets of tiles. If this is the case, then it is quite possible to change the resolution of textures.
3. otherwise, if there are no records about the resolution of textures (for example, if this resolution is sewn into .exe) - only change them in the old resolution. In this case, it is enough to make a distillation from offset 12910 (hex) to png with a color depth of 24 and back. In tsr, the color is stored as BGR depth 24.
I tried some simple stuff but not exactly anything of that you wrote because i've no idea how to do that

But it's possible the game wouldn't be able to correctly use it anyway, when I tried to upscale parts of the interface like icons (they are stored in a 5x5 grid, 25 icons per one file) and it cuts them off, so clearly data is hidden within .exe where exact numbers are telling it precisely how to cut the texture file. Changing that is beyond my skill.
Static parts of the interface can be moved by modifying the content of CutParts.ini and Controls.ini file but this includes only backgrounds and buttons, there aren't references to elements of the gameplay such as skills or spells, they are also displayed as icons in the game. I could, for instance, make the field for the list of spells wider but the game will still display them in the original, narrower field.
I'm sorry if I disappointed you, you gave me what looks like a very solid and informative answer but i'm just not capable of putting your knowledge to use in practice.

I suppose I'll now dig some more into the files to prepare the field by moving the static parts of the interface for a potential future where a programming-skilled Etherlords fan will take interest in this and finish the job I started by modifying the .exe file.