I would just like to ask the map creators if i could create a storyline for 1 of your new maps, if you need someone to make a storyline for it that is. Wink
no quest story lines will be accepted until completion of quest editor Cry
I cant believe its true
why not?
place your idea in this forum and it may be accepted Smile
it is possible to create completely new quests now! from the very beginning...

and when map(!) editor will become available you may create your own maps and quests for them __,,,^.".^,,,___

PS all questions to Sun Wink
всё пучком!
Ok, heres my storyline to a new quest.

A powerfull orc tribe in the sands has captured barbors sister, who he hasent met in a very long time. They put her on a small island where you will need to rescue her. On that island, there is a chief seer and 2 veteran orcs gaurding her. When you kill them and make her follow you, 1 veteran orc, 4 orc fighters and 3 adault orcs will attack you. When you kill them you will need to safely get her home.

Hows that sound?
i think it sounds good. but you have to understand that the creation of new storylines is really difficult. i dont know nothing about it. i just posted some maps i got to be playable. but with a quest editor we could make something big.
If you are making a quest consider this: You will have to:
1. Write a dialogue for the quest
2. Assign the reqrd for the quest.
3. Describe the sub-tasks of the quest.

The history of the quest should be understandable from the dialogue.
And the storyline is being done by a group of russian scenarists, and i am going to translate whatever they write. Wink

i think nobody will give us the map editor
or mob editor
Hmmm, when you say dialogue, do you mean the quest instructions?

And sub tasks: I call those triggers, i am a brilliant map designer on another game. If there are triggers listed down then it will be easy, when i mean listed down, i mean a selection from a list. E.g. Condition : Bring Player to area. Effect : Activate next trigger. Effect of next trigger : Activate next condition. Next Condition : Kill selected enemy unit. Effect : next trigger activate.
"dialogue" means - Briefing dialog with NPCs in base.
For MP game you can examine .mq file inside with notepad.

For single game - see attch with small part of game logic in Gipath Village.
Trigger - Rectangle.
Checker - Parallelogram.

Файлы вложений
.zip (Размер: 315.33 KB / Загрузок: 404)
I c, so could it be possible for barbor to give you the quest?

Barbor : "Greetings young adventurer, can i ask a wee favor?"

Your player : "So, i guess you mean sending me on a quest? You called me adventurer did you not?"

Barbor : "Well, ehhm... Ey, and i promise to pay you greatly too."

Your player : "But first listen carefully barbor, i might be young, but im not invincible. Tell me, how important is this favor?"

Barbor : "Well, ehhm.... Lets just say your helping a wee maiden in distress. Please, ill do whatever you want! You must save my sister! I thought she was killed by the orcs all those years ago, when i was still a wee lad. Please! Youve got to save her!"

Barbor : "In the sands, there is an island were a very very clever seer used to keep her important books. But after the chosen went and killed her, and stole her orc abc book, the orcs transfered the wee island into a sacrificial ground. Im not sure wich orc clan is keeping her. In the next few days she will be sacrificed by those horrible orcs! But remember this, the shievar clan were friends with the chosen, but it does not mean they will like you walking near there land!"

Your player : "Allright barbor, ill see what i can do, ill make sure your sister returns safely."

Quest Completed

Barbor : "Ey! Thank you me wee lad! Now i swear i shall keep to my word, and i shall pay you your reward!"

Quest declined (you accepted the quest, then you cancelled it)

Your player : "Im very sorry barbor, i am not strong enough to deal with those orcs, im very sorry. Maybe if i had a little more help then i would of saved her."

Barbor : "My wee aprentice had a little scout around where they are keeping her, and it seems they will not sacrifice her yet, because of this orc relligion. Some superstition were they cant kill anny prisoners, on the same month that they kill 1 of there own members."
would it not be better to post this as a txt file? Confusedpy:
I cant believe its true
Shackahn: thanks, you are absolutely right. ;-)
Kajgue: Check private message.

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