New Gipath Materials ?
how do i use those new materials? what must i do to get them into my game?
your link doesnt go anywer? Sad
I cant believe its true
right. was one of the old forum. let me see... i dont know where to get the file now

Файлы вложений
.rar   New_Gipat_Materials_0.2.rar (Размер: 452.44 KB / Загрузок: 392)
This is a mod for our new amazing tool. Rolleyes
We will release this tool for non-russian players soon. Wink

Файлы вложений Эскизы(ов)
Looks really cool..What can u do with the "New materials" or what chages does it make on the game? Tongue
Z_u»«u_L is Back in the House!

Rok on Dude!
cool. thats really nice stuff.
yeh very cool :o
!The Game im Making!
[Изображение: banner.gif]
We was develop this mod only to show our new (safe) mod technologi for EI.
:ph34r: Soon we will public more info and stuff. :ph34r:
...coz I haven't time to do it now. Blush
heres some materials i managed to get pic's of

Файлы вложений Эскизы(ов)
!The Game im Making!
[Изображение: banner.gif]
And heres Another

Файлы вложений Эскизы(ов)
!The Game im Making!
[Изображение: banner.gif]
Looks nice. Rolleyes
Which tools you use to make this materials? :blink:
I didn't make this cool stuff i just got the pics of a site Rolleyes
!The Game im Making!
[Изображение: banner.gif]
dont u just love CHANGING COLORS
do these "new" materials do anything to the game
or are they just the same materials with different colors!!!!!!
Follow the rules! Never marry trolls! Die well in EI! Live free in EI! Post, post, post!
It is impossible to add models... Hence there will be no new forms.
It is possible to draw again textures with different ornaments...
Try it selfWink it Is necessary only умень to use PhotoShop
-gipat group-
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