V Mod
new improved vmod

note: vmod.exe packed into vmod.zip.
hmm, yea...
:drug: this is an update from the other v mod that everyone's downloaded. sorry.

NOTE: Rename the *.txt to *.zip also right click on the link then click save file or target as. then rename to *.zip. Cry

Файлы вложений
.txt   v-mod.txt (Размер: 298.4 KB / Загрузок: 402)
hmm, yea...
had to make a small patch of the v mod game the last one didn't have some spell listings in the game so i had to fix with the v-mod above.
hmm, yea...
[COLOR=purple]going to be making a few thing's on this mod again, why the hell not. doing the maps on gipath. and adding in a new story line for all the other area's. maybe if i'm lucky, my friend's can help me out with the 3D graphix on some of the armor,weapon's, and other accessories. who know's but; as of now it's going to be awhile before the next release. trying to add music to ei and possibly an addon of some sort. me and my friend's are going to try to get ahold of nival to ask them if everything's a go. if not then may my EA bud's can help me out, any way just dropping a line. going to another game expo.

later v.[/COLOR=purple]
hey wut dus tht Vmod thingy do anyway??
as u can c, tewuicah is a bit paranoïd, oh well we all hev our shortcomings, too bad Tewuicah has more than average...

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