Evil Islands and Guild Wars
Its been some time ago since I visited this forum. Righ now I'm playing Guild Wars. And I'm amazed about the MANY simularities between these games!

-Quest based maps:
Just like EI new maps are unlocked by completing quests. For trekkies its also possible to explore and find the way out to a new map, but doing missions works faster and some aereas can only be reached by missions.

You can gather all kinds of materials and runes to modify your own gear. Its not possible to create 'super' items.

Many quests (in maps) and missions (in special mission towns). By completing them you progress in the game.

The game is made for teamplay, but if you insist you can form a party of henchmen to replace real players. Its mostly NOT possible to survive long without help!

All kinds of PvP options, from forming a random pvp party in arena's to Guild vs Guild games. The ultimate challenge is when a guild plays in the Hall of the Heroes against a differend region (currently 3 regions: Europe, Azia and America). Winning the Favor of the Gods for your regions unlocks special maps for the time being.

Many more can be said. Its a HUGE game and I think EI players will mostly love it! <_<

More information is to be found here:

PS. I find the new English secion not very English lol, cant read the buttons!
Borisk,Thursday, 04 August 2005, 20:29 Написал:PS. I find the new English secion not very English lol, cant read the buttons!

Thanks for report, but we has no problem in buttons at all. :unsure:
To view english button you must switch to proper language.
The simplest way by clicking proper flag at top-right of screen. ;-)
Jet,Friday, 05 August 2005, 10:55 Написал:To view english button you must switch to proper language.
The simplest way by clicking proper flag at top-right of screen. ;-)
Yes, that is the solution! Smile

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