20.01.2010, 18:20
Hi all! This is me again
And I have problem again
I wanted to install EI-Mod from gipatgroup.org but I have to install EI Starter before to use it. So I downloaded it and try to install. And I have problem. First of all... I had to download EI in English version because I had Polish version before and it is not supported by Starter... After installation I had to install patch for EI to v1,06. Patch didn't saw my game installation so I had to install it manually (I've found how to do it at gipatgroup.org forum). After all this operations I finally have Evil Islands v1,06 Youhu!... BUT! I can't install EI Addon at all... I'm clicking: Next/(tick) I accept the terms bla bla bla.../Next/Next/Chosing Destination Folder/Next/Chosing Evil Islands folder/Next... And... This Next doesn't work. Nothing happens. If I chose wrong destination I getting information about wrong folder - game doesn't found. But when I'm chosing good then nothing happens... What to do? What is wrong?
Can anyone help me?
Sory for my English... Really... I have feeling that I've made a lot of mistakes here

I wanted to install EI-Mod from gipatgroup.org but I have to install EI Starter before to use it. So I downloaded it and try to install. And I have problem. First of all... I had to download EI in English version because I had Polish version before and it is not supported by Starter... After installation I had to install patch for EI to v1,06. Patch didn't saw my game installation so I had to install it manually (I've found how to do it at gipatgroup.org forum). After all this operations I finally have Evil Islands v1,06 Youhu!... BUT! I can't install EI Addon at all... I'm clicking: Next/(tick) I accept the terms bla bla bla.../Next/Next/Chosing Destination Folder/Next/Chosing Evil Islands folder/Next... And... This Next doesn't work. Nothing happens. If I chose wrong destination I getting information about wrong folder - game doesn't found. But when I'm chosing good then nothing happens... What to do? What is wrong?
Can anyone help me?
Sory for my English... Really... I have feeling that I've made a lot of mistakes here
