Evil Islands (Add-on) 1.44.7 Installation Problem
Hi all! This is me again Smile And I have problem again Tongue

I wanted to install EI-Mod from gipatgroup.org but I have to install EI Starter before to use it. So I downloaded it and try to install. And I have problem. First of all... I had to download EI in English version because I had Polish version before and it is not supported by Starter... After installation I had to install patch for EI to v1,06. Patch didn't saw my game installation so I had to install it manually (I've found how to do it at gipatgroup.org forum). After all this operations I finally have Evil Islands v1,06 Youhu!... BUT! I can't install EI Addon at all... I'm clicking: Next/(tick) I accept the terms bla bla bla.../Next/Next/Chosing Destination Folder/Next/Chosing Evil Islands folder/Next... And... This Next doesn't work. Nothing happens. If I chose wrong destination I getting information about wrong folder - game doesn't found. But when I'm chosing good then nothing happens... What to do? What is wrong?

Can anyone help me?

Sory for my English... Really... I have feeling that I've made a lot of mistakes here Big Grin

Цитата:First of all... I had to download EI in English version because I had Polish version before and it is not supported by Starter...

what version are you trying to install? There is no any official English version of EI-Mod - only Russian versions were oficially released, so only they are supported - if you are trying to install any unofficial repack - you must ask authors of this repack. Give a link pls to the version, which you try to install.
Gipat Group
In that sentence I'm talking about EI Starter - Evil Islands (Add-on) 1.44.7. I have problem with Add-on Installation, which is needed to run EI-Mod. Add-on is in English too so it should be everything ok when I'm trying to install it... But it's not. "Next" button doesn't work in one of the installation steps...
it says, that you has incorrect game.exe file? What version (language) of the game and of the patch are you use? As i know - it can work well only with Russian version of game.exe, also an English version must be supported.

Try this game.exe (packed into 7z (http://www.7-zip.org/) archive) - it is from russian version - replace your game.exe with it.

Файлы вложений
.7z   Game.7z (Размер: 1.19 MB / Загрузок: 600)
Gipat Group
ghmm... seems that the file was downloaded... it helped?
Gipat Group
Sorry... I had sth to do Wink

It works now Smile Thanks a lot, now I can do what I want ;D I have started translating EI Mod from Russion to Polish Smile Thanks for help man! ;D

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