Сообщений: 1
Тем: 1
Зарегистрирован: Jul 2012
11.07.2012, 21:28
(Сообщение последний раз редактировалось: 11.07.2012, 22:01 Ram2.)
Hello, I have a question - why my server list in game Evil Islands not refresh - I can't see servers since Thursday ...
On website gipatgroup org master there is information that server is refused ,
Цитата:Мастер-сервер недоступен:
61: Connection refused
When server list will start working ?
I very like this game and I want play
Сообщений: 88
Тем: 1
Зарегистрирован: Jan 2012
The server is not operational now. Ping is present, it means the server is not turned off. When it should work again - no one knows. Until now, the server always resumed work. We can only wait...
Движок устарел, поздно делать моды ©
Сообщений: 132
Тем: 8
Зарегистрирован: Dec 2005
There is not so much support for this game right now

. Sometimes servers are down. You can check servers status here ->
There are different regions. Down-time can be half day, can be more, it depends on how fast people who keeps servers running will notice the trouble. If master-servr is down - all regions will be unavailable.
allods.gipat.ru - best resource about Evil Islands and Rage of Mages series