Сообщений: 18
Тем: 2
Зарегистрирован: Feb 2018
For some reason I can't get the multiplayer serverlists on any masterserver to refresh, is there a problem with the nival masterserver?
Originally I assumed that the GOG version of Evil-Islands had filtered it out, but it seems like even on the original copy I obtained, none of the masterservers refresh.
Unless the masterserver has a new address since I last played multiplayer over 10+ years ago?
Сообщений: 132
Тем: 8
Зарегистрирован: Dec 2005
Asaeis,Четверг, 22 Февраля 2018, 03:01 Написал:For some reason I can't get the multiplayer serverlists on any masterserver to refresh, is there a problem with the nival masterserver?
Originally I assumed that the GOG version of Evil-Islands had filtered it out, but it seems like even on the original copy I obtained, none of the masterservers refresh.
Unless the masterserver has a new address since I last played multiplayer over 10+ years ago?
There is a huge story behind Evil Islands master server. How it lived and how it died, and how it was resurrected once again by a Nival emloyee after we almost lost all hope

But now it works as it should. The only difference is the region. You can change it in Addon setting once you get it running. Mostly people play in Russia and Poland.
allods.gipat.ru - best resource about Evil Islands and Rage of Mages series
Сообщений: 18
Тем: 2
Зарегистрирован: Feb 2018
I've managed to get addon1447 working with the English version with Demoth's help, though the masterserver still doesn't refresh (even with the Russian masterserver selected D: ), is there something that I have to configure to allow access to the masterserver; or is there even a new masterserver address?
Сообщений: 132
Тем: 8
Зарегистрирован: Dec 2005
24.03.2018, 21:01
(Сообщение последний раз редактировалось: 24.03.2018, 21:02 MorgenS.)
Asaeis,Четверг, 08 Марта 2018, 20:10 Написал:I've managed to get addon1447 working with the English version with Demoth's help, though the masterserver still doesn't refresh (even with the Russian masterserver selected D: ), is there something that I have to configure to allow access to the masterserver; or is there even a new masterserver address?
Masterserver can be runnig, but since you probably have a different timezone, there just may be no active players at the given time. You can check it here -
https://hat.gipat.ru/status/nival/. The official master-server is now supported by someone in Nival on not-so-regular basis, since Nival dropped support many years ago. Someone is just doing a good thing for players, so sometimes it can be down.
There is another master-server, hosted by Demoth (this guy made quite a few things for EI in recent years and is doing now). For reaching it you have to have a "plugin". You can download it on this page
Please note that ther is a slight difference in URLs.
And sorry for a long waiting)
allods.gipat.ru - best resource about Evil Islands and Rage of Mages series
Сообщений: 18
Тем: 2
Зарегистрирован: Feb 2018
Hey all,
I've been absent for a while, mainly because I've been juggling with alot of commitments, including fulfilling my role as a 2d/3d artist for a project on another game. Eventually I hope to be able to spend a bit more time doing stuff for Evil-Islands/Cursed-Lands again, but for now I will continue to be busy on various things.
@MorgenS Yeah I believe Demoth sent me that plugin some time ago, I also think it was Demoth who showed me those masterserver status pages too

Sorry I probably should have mentioned that in this thread earlier.