Return to Gipath (custom fanboy mod) EI


above link to a video of the mod I made, which is at the stage of testing, I ask for substantive support in the topic.
Premiere 1st of December


Выше приведена ссылка на видео о модеме, который находится на стадии тестирования, пожалуйста, поддержите тему. Премьера 1 декабря


powyzej znajduje sie link do video o modzie, ktorego stworzylem, jest on na etapie testowym, prosze o merytoryczne wpsarcie w temacie.
Premiera 1 grudnia
this short video, I would like to show you a modification that, in my opinion, significantly improves the gameplay. I've been playing Evil Islands since I was a kid, and I come back to this game from time to time. The multiplayer mode has always had two drawbacks: first, no one had enough time to go through multiplayer in less than 1 month without cheating (without playing as a mage);
second, the reward system and the little experience gained meant that after a while, somewhere in the middle of the game, I just went back to single player and played elegantly on the increased quality of the game.
I hope that there will be Evil Islands servers soon that someone, like me, loves this game despite its many flaws.
I envision a multi-channel, cheat-protected server that allows players to exchange (honestly) with each other and complete tasks together (even with random people), in addition, there should be a shared international discord where it would be easy to find someone to play together.
The official language of the server I plan to create should be English, but no one will be punished for using other
Below I send a link to the FB page, but I would prefer to contact me by email
I need people to test the mod, which, perhaps, after writing completely new scripts, reworking textures and installing on the best engine, will become a new game for our
time. I'm not asking for money for a mod and I'm not offering anyone money to help create it.

Greetings Translated using (free version) ENG In this short video I would like to show you a modification that I think significantly improves the gameplay.

I've been playing Evil Islands since I was a kid, I come back to this game from time to time. Multiplayer has always had two drawbacks: firstly, no one had enough time to complete multiplayer in less than 1 month without cheating (without playing as a mage);
secondly, the reward system and the low amount of experience meant that after some time, somewhere in the middle of the game, I just went back to single player and played elegantly on the higher quality of the game.

I hope that soon there will be Evil Islands servers, that someone, like me loves this game despite its numerous flaws. I imagine a multi-channel server, secure from cheaters, which allows players to exchange (honestly) with each other and do quests together (even with random people), in addition there should be a common international discord, where you could easily find someone to play with.

The official language of the server should be English, but no one will be punished for using other languages.

Below I am sending link to FB page, but I would prefer e-mail contact via

I need people to test the mod, which maybe after writing completely new scenarios and reworking textures and putting it on a better engine will become a new game for our time. I will not ask money for the mod nor offer anyone money for help in creating it.


W tym krotkim filmie chcialbym pokazac modyfikacje, ktore jak uwazam znaczaco poprawia rozgrywke. Gram w Evil Islands od dziecka, wracam do tej gry co jakis czas. Od zawsze tryb multiplayer mial dwie wady: po pierwsze nikt nie dysponowal tak duzymi zapasami czasu, aby bez oszustw przejsc multiplayer w czasie krotszym niz 1 miesiac (nie grajac magiem);
po drugie, system nagrod oraz niska ilosc zdobywanego doswiadczenia sprawialy, ze po jakims czasie, gdzies w polowie gry po prostu znowu wracalem do single playera i gralem sobie elegancko na podwyzszonej przedkosci gry.

Mam nadzieje, ze niebawem powstana serwery Evil Islands, ze ktos, podobnie jak ja kocha te gre pomimo jej licznych wad. Wyobrazam sobie wielokanalowy serwer, zabezpieczony przed oszustami, ktory pozwala graczom wymieniac sie (uczciwie) miedzy soba oraz wspolnie wykonywac zadania (nawet z przypadkowymi osobami), dodatkowo powinien powstac wspolny miedzynarodowy discord, na ktorym latwo mozna byloby znalezc kogos do wspolnej gry.

Oficjalnym jezykiem serwera, ktory planuje stworzyc niech bedzie j. Angielski, jednakze nikt nie zostanie ukarany za uzywanie innych jezykow.

Ponizej przesylam link do strony na FB, jednak wolalbym kontakt mailowy przez

Potrzebuje osob do testowania moda, ktory moze po napisaniu zupelnie nowych scenariuszy i przerobce tekstur oraz postawieniu go na lepszym silniku stanie sie nowa gra na miare naszych czasow. Nie zadam pieniedzy za moda ani nikomu nie oferuje pieniedzy za pomoc w jego tworzeniu.

Pozdrawiam UZO. U

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