Jet Can You Help?
My problem is this - I wish to use the new maps in my mod, but to do so I need to extract the text files from the databaselmp.res... all I can do is use resbuild to extract it but end up with .udb .sdb etc. files..... my question is this: How can I take, say the units.udb file, and extract the individual .txt files so I can edit them and then recompile them as a new databaselmp.res file?

There has to be a way to do this, no?
A mind is a Terrible organ to shovel!

- Ed
well chap i dont know!
that was me the warrior!
why didnt it say my name!
as far as i am aware i have sorted this with zig Wink
I cant believe its true
Ziggy,12 Июля 2003, 23:17 Написал:I need to extract the text files from the databaselmp.res
There has to be a way to do this, no?
have a questions:
1.database.res or databaselmp.res ??? :blink:
2.Where you get this databaselmp.res ?

p.s. It is possible to unpack .udb to .txt!
if it is possible, that will open some new gates for us.
is it possible as to make totally new quest ex:
new points of the maps were certain objectives are trigered to display Objective Complete etc....
to put certain units in certain areas of the map.and the objective is to kill them.
if it is possible it will surely open new gates for mod makers to put some NEW fun into the game
if it is possible then maybe new quests to play with ur friends again!without knowing wot will happen next!

well lets not get my hopes up to high maybe it is not possible...or is it?
Follow the rules! Never marry trolls! Die well in EI! Live free in EI! Post, post, post!
Hm what makes you think that all of this stuff is in this database.res.
As far as i know , database is the same as databaselmp but just for single player.
And as far as i know you wont find any of these things in *.res files.
The solution is to study mobs.There you will find the new gate which needs to be opened.
It IS possible to extract .udb into .txt? Well then man, for god's sake.... how??? I've been at it for awhile and just gave up 'cause it seemed impossible.
A mind is a Terrible organ to shovel!

- Ed
Цитата:It IS possible to extract .udb into .txt?
Shure, but this solution is not for public. Sad Sorry for that.
Please awaiting for release some new tools from us. Wink
With this tool you can handy edit databases and export to .res and so on. Wink

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