i need help with that mod. when i install it, i get some new quests in the cave level. but when i go to the map, my character does not appear.
i mean the one in the tunnel and the 3 which look like the city of dead in gipat.
The current Version is Version 2.3
http://ei-mod.narod.ru/ ^_^
thanks a lot. lets see if this one works for me.

nope. cant get those maps working. the new levels accessible in the cave. i select them, go to the exit, and my char doesnt appear. anyone can help?
is it in russian?
oh well im still learning russian
a year or so ill be able to play it Wink
Take care, man! Wink
It is good idea, IMHO.
What exactually is this ei mod?
its a russian mod.
This mod contains new quest (17 pieces) for multiplayer Wink
Soon the English version is expected....
Кто не согласен – пусть первый кинет в свой монитор камнем!
Twister,19 July 2003, 12:16 Написал:This mod contains new quest (17 pieces) for multiplayer Wink
Soon the English version is expected....
I hope so, we want things too you know. And a questoin how do you get the eistarter thingy to work? I install it in c:programevil island (addon)
when I press the shortcut nothing happens and when I go to that folder and start eistarter nothing happens? I just want new stuff to evil islands but everything is in russian!
All were newbies once, more or less. Repsect that.
g_dragonlord,30 Июля 2003, 11:23 Написал:And a questoin how do you get the eistarter thingy to work?
I install it in c:programevil island (addon)
when I press the shortcut nothing happens and when I go to that folder and start eistarter nothing happens?
Curren EIStart support only Russian game version. :unsure:
A feature that will be in the next release is support for English and German game version. Wink

g_dragonlord,30 Июля 2003, 11:23 Написал:I just want new stuff to evil islands but everything is in russian!
Time to lern russian? Big Grin
It is major criteria to use russian:
1. Most part of our community speak Russian. Rolleyes
2. It is obvious complicated to develop (and tests) in Russian and English. Sad
3. We have peoples who can help us to translate texts in foreign languages. Sad

If you are in desperate need of these feature or would like to help test or translate this, please contact us about obtaining a beta version.
I cant install EImod2Sad I just click on it, nd then nofin happens.....Sad
as u can c, tewuicah is a bit paranoïd, oh well we all hev our shortcomings, too bad Tewuicah has more than average...
patience lotar wait for full english support :o
I cant believe its true
who cares about the "English" part of the community now Tongue
Follow the rules! Never marry trolls! Die well in EI! Live free in EI! Post, post, post!
V3001 i think i can answer your question.
The creators of this MOD designed this levels so , THAT CHEAT OR TOO POWERFUL OR TOO WEAK character CAN`T play these levels...

So, perhaps you cheated of you are weak of strong fer this quests... Wink
I WANT ENGLISH VERSION OF EI MOD 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -cry-
as u can c, tewuicah is a bit paranoïd, oh well we all hev our shortcomings, too bad Tewuicah has more than average...

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