Help Please
Ok, i figured out how to turn into an orc with the console with the info givin...does anyone else know how to turn into anything else and if so what do you type with the console?

also can i get some console commands and list what they actually do...i keep reading all these commands but i dont understand them like @killunit(.GetObjectByName(".NSheriff"))...with alot of the commands it says to put this and that but i dont know what goes where or what im supposed to type where it says blah what are commands for like monster and stuff so i know what to put in..if youd like to email me email me at
Yes you can be other monsters ive try it you just have to change in the text file

the name LMP Orc Fighter 8 for example if you want a dragon ,LMP Unique Dragon

Plague Ancient 30 but there is no texture : ( just white and if you try to go to the

shop it will say something like''Error'' no humain in party and the game will close
thanks for the reply...thats what i was how did u find out what to type into what ya know? can u send me a list that says this does that..

by the way...i tried the dragon thing but after i type the @addunittoparty blah blah and hit closes the entire game..i dont know what im typing that is wrong? if you could help that would be greatly appreciated..if youd like you could send that list to my email up above...thanks
also if you write down what does what can you list it in order exactly what your supposed to type like how those other guys wrote how to be an orc because you gave me the LMP dragon code but what do you stick at the @createparty(0,<---what goes there? just so its more clear to understand since im new to this
ive juste change the text LMP Orc Fighter 8 in the Orc text and remplace it by the one I said and you have a list of those monsters in the mod maker with database
in the text monster prototypes.
yes i tried that too but when i hit enter it kicks me out...also after you done typing change it, what do you type? like for the orc one it was exec orc.txt..what do you type for the others?
im really sorry but topics of this kind (just lame hacking) are NOT allowed, many new ppl come here and hear all this stuff then go hacking
topic closed
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