Tw Mod Read-me Creator
This is a program i made, its a simple to use, easy tool to make your own nice Read-Me Files for your mods or any other Readme File for a mod, addon, maps, almost anything!
just type in the desired things and press done..and TADA a nice readme file will be created in the folder of your choice..

Файлы вложений
.zip (Размер: 7.15 KB / Загрузок: 275)
Follow the rules! Never marry trolls! Die well in EI! Live free in EI! Post, post, post!
you didnt put your comments..........
how is it?
Follow the rules! Never marry trolls! Die well in EI! Live free in EI! Post, post, post!
Nice and fast.But i doubt it will be used by a lot of people.
By the way , did you use Delphi or VB to create that thing ?
TheWarrior, what you think about add ability of Save and Load?
i used VB
Follow the rules! Never marry trolls! Die well in EI! Live free in EI! Post, post, post!

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