I have many questions with texture editing problem.
I think the community will help to new peoples to understand this process.
This is an example from me.
1. Unpack file texsample.rar to a separate folder.
2. Run mmp_in2bmp.bat to convert all *.mmp from mmp_in sub-folder to bmp format (check bmp folder).
3. Edit .bmp files in your favorite editor.
3. Run bmp2mmp_out.bat to convert them back to mmp (check mmp_out folder).
4. You must examine .dds files in dds_in (before bmp) and dds_out (after bmp) sub-folders using DxTex.exe utility before use in game.
Those files must exactly size and format (I mean A8R8G8B8 and such, and Mip-levels count). This is a very important!!!
In case different .dds files size you will get game.exe crash.
Questions and helps always welcomed.
I think the community will help to new peoples to understand this process.
This is an example from me.
1. Unpack file texsample.rar to a separate folder.
2. Run mmp_in2bmp.bat to convert all *.mmp from mmp_in sub-folder to bmp format (check bmp folder).
3. Edit .bmp files in your favorite editor.
3. Run bmp2mmp_out.bat to convert them back to mmp (check mmp_out folder).
4. You must examine .dds files in dds_in (before bmp) and dds_out (after bmp) sub-folders using DxTex.exe utility before use in game.
Those files must exactly size and format (I mean A8R8G8B8 and such, and Mip-levels count). This is a very important!!!
In case different .dds files size you will get game.exe crash.
Questions and helps always welcomed.