Mob Script Encryption Algorithm
Today we have published the MOB script encryption algorithm.

You can get C++ and Delphi source codes from downloads section.
-> Downloads -> Tools -> Mod -> Mob Crypt
can you explain to us don't understanding anything ofit what it is/do(/mean?)
It is Mob Script Encryption Algorithm. And first you must write a programm and use this Algorithm. If you can do it, you also can read scripts in *.mob files.
Sorry if i something wrong, my english is bad...
Что есть то есть, того что было не вернуть, не изменить ни дня.
Черный Обелиск "Дом желтого сна (часть 2)"
so you need to be able to program to make this, whatever it is work? Smile

i hope someone makes one Tongue
maybe I can convince someone to do that for me (if I can you shouldnt socks up to me because I hate that). I have my friends Big Grin
Visual Basic code:
Translated by CAHEK7
Public Sub ScriptCrypt(ByRef Script() As Byte, ByVal Key As Long)

Dim Tmp As Double
Dim i As Long
Dim TmpLng As Long
Tmp = Key

For i = 0 To UBound(Script)

  Tmp = Tmp * 214013 + 2531011
     Do While Tmp > 2199023255552#
       Tmp = Tmp - 2199023255552#
     Do While Tmp > 274877906944#
       Tmp = Tmp - 274877906944#
     Do While Tmp > 34359738368#
       Tmp = Tmp - 34359738368#
     Do While Tmp > 4294967296#
       Tmp = Tmp - 4294967296#
' Especially to convert Double to DWORD
' you can change number of cycles
' to change up execution speed

  TmpLng = CLng(Int(Tmp / 65536))
  TmpLng = TmpLng Mod 256
  Script(i) = Script(i) Xor CByte(TmpLng)


End Sub

C# Code:
public string ReadCodedString()
byte[] coded = new byte[DataSize - 4];     // sizeof(coded string) - sizeof(key)
char[] decoded = new char[coded.Length];
uint uKey;

// Read
uKey   = orStream.ReadUInt32();           // KEY
coded = orStream.ReadBytes(coded.Length); // Coded string

// Decode string
for(int i = 0; i < coded.Length; i++)
  uKey = uKey * 214013 + 2531011;
  decoded[i] = Convert.ToChar(coded[i] ^ Convert.ToByte(uKey / 65536 % 256));
return new string(decoded, 0, decoded.Length );
I understand something in Visual Basic, but I want to see examples of scripst used in a quest.
I'm not afraid of anything
I just need to know that I can breathe
MortalMachine,Пятница, 28 Октября 2005, 07:53 Написал:I understand something in Visual Basic, but I want to see examples of scripst used in a quest.
You can use MRT to check one.
Open an .mob then expand filed ID_OBJECT_FILE.
ID_SS_TEXT <- Here is a script used by .mob
Type of this filed is SCRIPT_ENC mean tats script kept in enconded format.
CAHEK7 post algorithm how to to decode encoded script using VB.

Here is script example for zone7chest.mob.
GlobalVars (
 NULL : object,
 VSS#i#val : object,
 i : object,
 AChest : object

DeclareScript VCheck#3#1 (  this : object )
DeclareScript VTriger#3#2 (  this : object )

Script VCheck#3#1
   Not( IsEqual( GSGetVar( 0, "q.gz7g.q9g" ) , 2 )  )
   IsEqual( GetLeverState( AChest ) , 1 )
   KillScript(  )
   VTriger#3#2( this )

Script VTriger#3#2
   KillScript(  )
   GSSetVarMax( 0, "q.gz7g.q9g.2", 2 )
   GSSetVarMax( 0, "q.gz7g.q9g", 2 )
   GiveQuestItem( 0, "OrcLicense00" )

 Sleep( 2 )
 AChest = GetObjectByID( "1000252" )
 VCheck#3#1( NULL )
And where did you get this code. If you wrote it by yourself you would write your own program. If you didn`t write it then how did you translated it into basic.
The problem about creating your own program is to have the Visual Basic, I have Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition Beta 2, but I can't compile into a .exe program, to do that you need to buy it, and it cost toons of money Sad
btw, I've made lots of programs B) , I make them for fun, but I'm not a master in Visual Basic.
I'm not afraid of anything
I just need to know that I can breathe
There are 1 very interesting fact - zone20 and zonemainmenu uses script format with another signature. Anybody can read that script with simple text editor. And, if i understood this moment clean... This script is read faster, because it does not need to be decrypted by the game.exe until zone loads.

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