Сообщений: 23
Тем: 2
Зарегистрирован: Oct 2003
i wish more people would visit the general forum in the english section (no offense to the russians)
there hasn't been a reply to anything or a new topic for ages now...
same with the masterservers ... on the russian one i've allways seen games when i connected to it .. but its rare to see a game on the english one
Сообщений: 589
Тем: 25
Зарегистрирован: Mar 2004
I don't think that English people are still playing Evil Islands. Maybe they play some new game.
Ps I am Russian  . Maybe Russians - 90% of all gamers in EI.
EI - is Russian game, so Russians like it so. But i would like people from foreign countries to play EI B)
Сообщений: 23
Тем: 2
Зарегистрирован: Oct 2003
25.05.2004, 12:30
(Сообщение последний раз редактировалось: 25.05.2004, 12:32 Viruzzz.)
i am playing ei dayly (if possible)
and yes i know the game is russian (damn thoose description in the mob reverser, don't get what their saying)
there are english servers sometimes... but its rare.. used to be more..
and i kinda knew you were russian by looking on your nickname
EDIT: Btw .. how come most ppl in the russian servers are hacked?
i saw some guy with an edited map (mob reverser i guess ... ) and he was legit .. but thats got to be one of the only legits i've seen
Сообщений: 589
Тем: 25
Зарегистрирован: Mar 2004
So can you say that I am Russian by my nickname? It's written by English letters  but all in all it has Russian meaning
Ps I think that Russian like EI more than foreigners only because it's our native game. But EI is a very interesting game by all means.
Сообщений: 23
Тем: 2
Зарегистрирован: Oct 2003
i know its english letters .. but it makes no sense in english :/
Сообщений: 677
Тем: 16
Зарегистрирован: Dec 2002
Well EI is alive, weeks ago i saw a couple of english servers and two german servers. So it means that EI still lives. No coomentS
Сообщений: 23
Тем: 2
Зарегистрирован: Oct 2003
 just wich that happened more often ...
if you go to the polish servers you can allmost find games all the time ...
but polish people tend to be very agressive, wonder if the ever heard the words "polite" and "friendly"...
Сообщений: 589
Тем: 25
Зарегистрирован: Mar 2004
We should say to everybidy: "EI - COOL!"
Сообщений: 4
Тем: 2
Зарегистрирован: Apr 2004
Viruzzz,29 May 2004, 10:43 Написал: just wich that happened more often ...
if you go to the polish servers you can allmost find games all the time ...
but polish people tend to be very agressive, wonder if the ever heard the words "polite" and "friendly"... Well thats a dam new one on me.
When i went to the polish servers, they were dam nice, they all treated me like some sort of god because
1 - I was english (no, im not bragging about english, i mean its because theve never seen an english player before)
2 - I had good dress sense
3 - I had pk mod which they had never seen before.
Сообщений: 23
Тем: 2
Зарегистрирован: Oct 2003
to me its like
one or more of them: "cze" (i found out that means hi)
them: "polish sentence"
me: "sorry, i donn't understand polish, can you please speak english?"
them: "plz go, we not be englis"
(for some reason they think i'm bad cause i'm speaking english)
and i mostly leave at that point (if it is the host saying it)
i might have been on the wrong server, talking to the wrong people, but thats my general impression of polish people, i have met 1 or 2 beign nice to me, but like 20 being rude and hostile
Сообщений: 2
Тем: 1
Зарегистрирован: Jul 2004
I play EI loads, but I would like to use the skill and perk moding tool listed in the downloads! Trouble is, I seem to be only able to download a Russian version......
Am I being dim....... Is there a way I can get a English version of the mod tool?????
Сообщений: 589
Тем: 25
Зарегистрирован: Mar 2004
What do you wantto say? ^_^
Сообщений: 2
Тем: 0
Зарегистрирован: Aug 2004
29.08.2004, 19:35
(Сообщение последний раз редактировалось: 29.08.2004, 19:36 Abh.)
But, why you think, that English is more important launguage than Russian
Evil Island is game created by Russian Lemon Interactive, and most of players are Russians. So this is with a ponit...
PS to Russians: Your country and T80 Rulez - Poland
Сообщений: 492
Тем: 22
Зарегистрирован: Sep 2002
Abh,29 Августа 2004, 18:35 Написал:PS to Russians: Your country and T80 Rulez - Poland <_< Merci.
By the way. The authors of "Evil Islands" are Nival Interactive, not Lemon. %)
Duty is everything, the greatest of joys, the deepest of sorrows.
Сообщений: 2
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Зарегистрирован: Aug 2004
Сообщений: 16
Тем: 1
Зарегистрирован: Nov 2004
this will probably sound like a stupid question but how do you join different servers like the russian server or the poland or whatever?
the only server i knew was available was the english one, but i am still somewhat new to ei
Сообщений: 187
Тем: 9
Зарегистрирован: Feb 2004
You should download starter(is there an english version?)
Or you may edit register:
There Master Server Name = a3master.nival.com:28002
this is Germany.
28004 - Russia, 28006 - England, 28008 - Corea, 28010 - France, 28014 - Poland, 28016 - USA.
Black Sun rising over mankind..
Сообщений: 16
Тем: 1
Зарегистрирован: Nov 2004
thanx i will have to try that some time
right now i am going to try to start modding a bit
Сообщений: 7
Тем: 0
Зарегистрирован: Oct 2005
You should also take a look at this site before each game, it will make finding games more easy.
Note that I'm using the Babelfish translator to translate the page 'cause it's in Russian, if you want to see it in it's original language just click here, but for some reason it only shows the Russian server.
I hope it will help you.
I'm not afraid of anything
I just need to know that I can breathe
Сообщений: 358
Тем: 2
Зарегистрирован: Feb 2004
Well, its quite understandable why EC is dead. Just becouse the hole site is nearly dead. I can only hope that becouse of Lost in Astral addon appearing the site and community will rise again.
PS. I'm russian, but don't play EI much. But I still visit the site...
Там где начинается мир, я познал жизнь.
Там где кончается мир, я познал смерть.
Но почему я ничего не могу познать в середине?!