Сообщений: 11
Тем: 2
Зарегистрирован: Oct 2006
15.03.2009, 21:21
(Сообщение последний раз редактировалось: 17.03.2009, 22:12 Joogi.)
Hi everyone, I want to ask you about modding.
I know haw to edit script, add mobs and change them positions. But I don't know why some zones are not showing in "city zone". Can someone explain me why? And if is this possibility show me some tips to use them without exchange zone working for that which one I want use(and is not working correctly)?
Second one question is about how to create my own mpr file. Is there any programs/plugins(and for which programs) to create them?
Сообщений: 7
Тем: 1
Зарегистрирован: Dec 2008
16.03.2009, 02:06
(Сообщение последний раз редактировалось: 16.03.2009, 02:07 Booyaka.)
Joogi,Sunday, 15 March 2009, 18:21 Написал:Second one question is about how to create my own mpr file. Is there any programs/plugins(and for which programs) to create them?
u can unpack mpr files, but i dont know what to do with them

there is a program that allow you to view this files, so there is a script to read them.
I think, good prgrammer can write script to edit them.
Maybe there is a plugin to view this files, in one of 3D modeling programs you need to search them!

about the locked zones, I heard that they are unlocked in russian verions,
so maybe someone from russians gramers can upload their game.exe ?
btw ty polak jestes podobno, na chuj ja kurwa po ang pisze ..
Sorry for my english ;]
Сообщений: 11
Тем: 2
Зарегистрирован: Oct 2006
Moe i polak, ale wikszo rosian nie zna polskiego. Trzeba wkoncu poruszy temat dowiedzie sie co i jak :] a tak przy okazji ty to Yomanda?
I unpacked mpr file ussing resbuild and then see sec files. I know that but like you i don't know haw to use them.
To russian's if in any topic this problem was discuss then you can only post link to it. Then I try use translator to understand that what is writted there.
Сообщений: 11
Тем: 2
Зарегистрирован: Oct 2006
On last few day I was thinking about creating single player mod.
I was trying add new NPC in briefing zone which one player will can interact, but when I add in texts.res file "pers mymobname" and in file mob in field ScriptVaribleName i set "mymobname". Of course this doesn't work... Then I tried set ObjectID value from different interactive NPC. Then my NPC have name end I can give quest text to him but using name NPC which one ObjectID was(by saying name I mean string after pers).
What I should do to add new interactive NPC to the briefing zone?